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Showing posts from October, 2010

Norwegian Wood

Yok says that i like this song very much. Yes, I do. Everytime I listen to this song, I feel that I am in the old British house with a strong fire in the fireplace, and it is about 9ish in the evening and it is always in the winter. Most of time I would sit on the sofa, by the side of the fireplace and the smell of old carpet and wood would mix up to become a scent of enternity--old, but timeless. I would repeat the song again and again with eyes closing to let the every little stories of my life run in my mind without any pause. Most of time, I couldn't even have time to think of any event happened in my life, the song repeated itself again. Life is very long if I can live up to 80 years old, but life is also relatively very short, if we only extract the essence of it and compare it with a legth of a song, like the Norwegian Wood, maybe life could be shorter than 2 minutes and 5 seconds. Well, this is what I always think of when listening to the song, and I still don't know ho...


上班的時候坐在公車上經過一座又一座的公園。 天氣很冷太陽很大,樹葉落的紅一片黃一片在馬路的兩側。 是秋天了,秋天總是令人多愁善感,但什麼才是讓人最感傷的呢? 一直以來我都以為秋的惆悵是踩在紅的黃的綠的落葉上稀稀蘇蘇的聲音和冷颼颼的風刮過身體時的不適應感。 但今天坐在開著暖氣的雙層紅色巴士裡看著窗外陽光灑在落葉,行人,小狗,柵欄以及我身上的時候才意識到,真的的"秋心,愁"是 沒辦法悠閒的讓心情去感受秋天然後還得進公司的無奈。 很久沒有逛周日市集了,我的星期天其實是星期一。