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Showing posts from 2011

Royal wedding

Here is the royal wedding in the UK, and I was with them almost all time in front of the TV, though I didn't plan to watch it, but Yok was staring at it with all her attention, so it turned out that i enjoyed a lot too. Some people don't like the royal wedding. They say that the media covers it too much and seems that there is nothing else happening in the world but the couple's marriage. They also say that the wedding is just a bubble of fairy tale, 99.9% of people's life are totally away from it. And they even think that making a wedding day a holiday is just another excuse for British people to have party and go wild (especially inside the square of the palace). Also the public secret of the designer of the bride's dress annoys them, as well as heavy traffic on the street. However, we have some other people who love the wedding, too. First, they think that it is the shining light spreaded through the grey period of the world. When the economic is down at the bott...

A little bit time of Jazz

It has been a long time since I bought my last Jazz CD either in the shop or online. I use spotify which is, to be honest, very convenient. All you need to do is to type any title of the recording or the musician into the search engine and click the result then you can listen to the Jazz. It is truly easy and handy but for me, Jazz suddenly become less interesting and it losses it's mystery once you can get it anytime anywhere as long as you have wifi. From 20's to 50's, before LP was invented, the only way to listen to Jazz is to go to the concert. Live music combining with people's noise and the heat of human, every concert is an unique experience and of course I never have a chance to go back to the 50's to see John Coltrane or Miles Davis or anyone of them blow in front of me, I wish I could. Well, after LP published to the mass, everyone can listen to Jazz at home, alone and private. It seems to be a scare moment to listen to the Jazz. Putting the needle on the...


服裝秀的檔期一年有兩次,春夏跟秋冬,每期的風格或款式或是材質各家品牌都會有所不同,但秋冬服裝秀絕對看不到清涼的顏色想是天藍,草綠,鮮黃或是亮橘一類的,而春夏服裝秀也往往急於擺脫秋冬黑灰銀的冷色調或是暗棕暗紅等令人感覺溫暖的色調,所以可以說除了在材質上的厚薄,風格上如果要看出兩季不同的關鍵,"顏色"絕對是一大參考要素。 就拿今年春夏prada的Men's fashion show來說,他們在一般人異於接受的藍色白色之外,介紹了"橘色"給大家認識,橘色可以說是消防隊的代言,工作上要注意的警告顏色,一但踏上了流行舞台,立刻變成眾人討論的顏色,冬天都還沒有過去,整個時尚界的氣溫馬上就隨著橘色的熱力上升,春夏氣息躍然台上。 也不是說冬天沒有橘色,只是冬天的橘多了一分寒氣不若春夏的橘來的有活力,其實說穿了就是一個循環,動極思靜,靜極思動,沉澱的溫暖的充滿保護色的內動的顏色到了春夏就反彈成外放的輕鬆的搶眼色調,這可以說是商業手段,也可以說是設計師的新概念,但對我而言,這是人類在服裝上對自然以及自己的一種潛意識的反映。 既然說到流行是一種社會的產物,長期在自然環境的影響下的社會裡的人類當然對於氣候變化跟心情轉變是息息相關的,簡單來說就是,衣服的選擇,反映了人們對氣候的看法(晴天穿天藍或草綠,雨天就搭配黑灰或棕色),也看出了我們對氣候的期待(在冬天推出春夏的顏色讓人們至少在自己的身上可以感受到新季節的來臨),甚至於進一步的,不同色調的衣服也透露了穿衣人的心情(鬱悶了一整個冬天的黑灰紅終於可以換上如感受到新生命一般的藍綠黃)。 因此,儘管流行服飾充滿了各式的剪裁與質料,對於顏色的選定以及搭配的好壞卻往往可以在看出服裝的特色之前就先看出來一個人的品味。 但不是每個人都可以任意的換衣服像換心情一樣簡單,如果說不想每季都換掉衣櫃的話,可以運用已有的單品和一些新顏色來混搭。譬如說一直都是黑白灰的愛好者,今年春夏不妨選擇天藍或橘色的T shirt, 只穿深色牛仔褲的人可以試試草綠跟鮮黃的單品,至於老是選擇棕色或咖啡的大地色系的人,可以運用淺卡其色跟黑色與亮粉紅相間的條紋短T,讓自己的心情跟期望也呈現在即將到來的季節中。


對準流行最大的元素之一是視覺效果,是如何將自己的風格品味用視覺的角度呈現 當然這並不是全部,一個人對飲食,音樂以至於生活態度都是可以非常流行的,但所謂 佛要金裝,人要衣裝,一個人若要被稱為流行的一份子,在穿衣搭配這方面絕對不能忽略。  但即然我今天沒有準備任何圖片,自然這不是個穿搭講堂了,我想要說的是,我們認真的把自己穿的流行也好,前衛也罷,是為自己還是為了別人? 還是,為了自己也為了別人? 所謂的為自己難道只是攬鏡自照時的滿足感嗎? 如果是的話那我們根本沒有必要穿出門,每天站在鏡前擺弄就行了。  但有可能只為了別人嗎? 是為了哪個別人? 為了能悅己的那個他人而打扮,還是純粹的想要在擁擠的東區巷弄裡鶴立雞群,與"眾"不同? 對我而言,兩著皆是,也都不是。  穿的fashionable是對自己也對別人的視覺饗宴,是對自我的了解也是了解別人的方式,所以可以說是為了自己也為了別人,我穿上自己所認同的衣服褲子鞋子配件出門。  但從另一個角度,我們穿衣服也許早已不為了所謂的自己或他人,而只是單純的行使一個不同社會背景下形成的行為,就像一個習慣,一個在消費文化的社會下被養成的習慣,就像點頭問好或是記得守時,不要插隊之類的社會規範。 我們每天投入時間金錢的穿搭自己其實無形的正在演化一個新的社會規範,一個看似奔放無所限制,其實是更為繁複,變動並且更為嚴苛的儀式。 也許吧,不管是自己,他人,或是這個社會,想盡辦法搭上流行的列車,並且盡量坐在前座的趨勢已然蔓延。 明天,從區別春夏與秋冬的流行的關鍵點來看看fashion。


關於流行是什麼我想每個人都有自己的一套邏輯, 從黑白灰的極簡搭配法則到穿甚麼都行但鞋子一定要很高級的特別品味者, 都是他們自己認同的流行。 當然也有自己走不出的迷思, 有愛買夾克,卻常常抱怨衣櫃裡的褲子太少, 但一出門逛街所倒之處卻還是常常停留在夾克上的偏執狂, 也有打折品才入手不管正價商品有多好的的撿便宜消費者 至於流行單品本身的呈現也幾乎是無法一概而論的, 同樣一件單品可以在兩個完全不同品味的人身上找到,而兩樣看似毫不相干的單品卻也常常可以完美的融入一個人的風格中。流行單品本身幾乎是沒有界線的,是我們自己給航行在流行這片汪洋茫茫然不知所措的現代人們一艘艘不同風格的船來搭乘。 對我而言,自然我是站在某一艘所謂的風格的船上,使用著自己的邏輯,重蹈著自己的迷思來看待流行,其用意不在挑戰任何其他不同品味的消費者,反而是希望再將來的某一天我可以發現自己所搭乘的這艘"風格船"倒底是個什麼樣子。

no name

finally here is my day-off. I was thinking of the meaning of working yesterday and it is today that I found it. Holiday, rest, and even nice food require money to exchange. So in a way we can say that money is a media between work and pleasure and in the end of the day, I don't really need money in hand, all I need is enough time of working and relaxing. But it is sad that both of them are evaluated by the amount of money, therefore I have to work hard to get satisfying payslip and good quality time of relaxing. What if working itself is a pleasure, would my life be more beautiful? and would I want to have less holiday? people who love their job do--not only just "don't hate it" but "love it" which can be the most difficult task for many of us, because it is very easy to find a nice hobby and interest, but either to transform them into a form of work or to love one thing that you have to do consistently are not an easy job. So I am basicly in a limbo, first,...