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new job in hand now

Life is dramatic, if you look closely enough.

Last minute I drop countless CVs in almost every shops in the central London and wait for the response restlessly and there is not even a postive answer for me.

Next minute I have to reject, block, or even lie to the coming phone calls because there are too many job-offers for me to choose and I can only accept one, of course.

Although I could accept any one of them before I hand in my CV to them, it is only one place that I like most (and expect call-back least). Luckily, the manager from that place finally called me a day before I went to sign the contract with the other company. In order to get get interview with the store I like most and hold the other offer as a back-up, I tried to get to meet the manager 2 hours before I have to run to the other company ( am I an an opportunist? if it defines by the money I left in my account, yes, I am an opportunist who tries to survive)

It was one of my most exciting moment in my life, the interview. It went on almost 2 hours and most of time I feel like that I am the host of a talkshow, all they want from me is talking more about myself. So I kept talking and talking until one of the manager said that "are you always such chatty, or you are just pretending to get good impression from us?"

"Well...yes and no...I have been very talkative since I was 7, and I have to catch every moment in the interview to grab the chance to work with your and your team, therefore, yes, I am a bit over excited indeed, but this is part of real me for sure"

And they said that they are happy to pass me to the head of recruitment department, but I have go to their head office asap, and it just happened that the head was available that afternoon, so I could go to meet her right away. It was 12:30, 30 minutes before I sign the contract with my back-up company.

"what if the head of the department doesn't like me? what if I go the back-up late?"
"Fuck it" "you can get this one, and you will get this one as long as you focus on how to impress this guy"--Those are the self-conversations of mine when I was waiting in the head office on the chair.

12:40, here came the director, it is a she. She is very nice, and seems that she couldn't wait to give me the offer, only 5 minutes talking, including a briefly conversation about salary and holidays and working hours. She said "good, welcome on board" to me.

next thing I could remember is that I lie to the company (the back-up one) that because of some private reasons, I couldn't take the offer and then I back to the store to measure the size of my uniform--from head to toe.

Comparing with many other kinds of job a human being could possibly get, this job is really nothing at all, it is just a job in the fashion clothing store. And my duty is nothing else but try to sale the items in the store to the customers. But I love it, I love the way they interview me--which they didn't try to ask how good a sales person I am and how much benefit I could bring to the company but try to understand who you are, and what you want to get from them.
I also love the uniform--prada suit, from a superfical pov haha. And I am content with the distance from home to the working place.

It is first time that I feel that we are communicating with each other and there is a sense of mutual respect between us.

Looking forward to working in the new environment and meet new people and get my first full time pay slip in my life. and looking forward to see what is the next.

I never know where life will take me to, all I can do is follow the current of life, and don't let the current swing me out of the track.


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