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B好像看出我的疑惑般道出「這種事情改變起來也沒有不方便啊, 沒必要弄得沸沸揚揚嘛!更何況沒注意的是你, 還有你們家大樓水管理處的疏忽,就讓你多洗幾次澡這點來看, 應該可以要求民事賠償呢!我們已經融入的怎麼想也不會覺得不合理啊。」 我沒理會他的解釋,乾脆就直接的問 「那….那你們怎麼清潔身體,總不會用砂吧,那是小說的情節別胡來了……」 「當然不是阿,砂這種壓迫性的物質不適合現代人了, 我們都是用電磁波……電磁波你知道是什麼吧,曾經有人以為是致命物質呢, 現代化就不一樣,像咖啡啊酒啊的好壞還不是三番兩頭的顛倒, 是是非非經過才知道,而且用電磁波洗澡的替代方案真得很省時呢!」 「想想看,一天省15分鐘,愛洗兩次澡的就省了30分鐘, 保守估計一星期多出105分鐘,一個月450分鐘,一年…… 450乘12是多少…對…5400分鐘,也就是90個小時, 瞧瞧,省下這麼多的時間拿去旅遊都夠了, 人家不是說由小處節省會有大效果嗎,就是這麼回事啊!」A認真的分析著 「可是省掉的時間總有一天又默默的溜走啦,有這個節省的必要嗎?」我反駁 「……既無臭無味又不用擦乾,而且隨時都可以淨身, 手機,電視,音響,還有在每天都要停駐的電腦前面,跟朋友聊天的當兒, 無意間就洗好…喔不對…不能用洗字…是無意中就消菌了… 還要多虧科學家辛辛苦苦找出來的替代方案呢!」又是A在不理會我的爭辯下大放厥詞。 「好處還不只這些,應用得宜的話,開一個取代公共澡堂的『殺菌室』,又是促進一個產業的興盛呢!」…… B得意的彷彿青年實業家,為了一個可能的發明竊喜。 夠了!我心裡想,你們被洗腦了嗎,有多少關於洗澡的樂趣被剝奪, 多少興奮的感覺從此絕跡, 這不是長毛象消失或那種孤零零的遠方的星墜落一般的輕嘆一聲就好了 , 沒有人想過連洗澡的記憶都要珍藏的吧……一個人洗,跟女人一起洗, 還有當兵時大家和在一起亂洗的日子怎麼可能一夕之間便成過去, 偏偏洗澡這儀式又不好意思拍或錄下來,又不是偷窺或暴露狂, 怎麼可能三不五時記錄自己的洗澡生活呢……真是夠了! 「是嗎!我偏要用錢買水,偏要貫徹洗澡的意志!」我忿忿的跟大家吼著 ,雖然不能洗澡也不是他們的錯,但是一副接受事實很好的鄉愿般的嘴臉, 看了就討厭,好歹也稍微掙扎或是跟我一個鼻孔出氣一下也好嘛…… 我又用力的掃視大家一回。 「……」滿室陡地剩寂靜在發呆。 下班第一件事就是衝去賣場買水...

New life in London

I moved to here almost 10 days ago, but have just settled 20 hours ago. Everyone needs a room, a room which can be messed or decorated by his own will, of course, in my case, by the will of both of us. It is fine, totally fine, as long as we can have our room. the previous tenants couldn't move out on time, and because I am a good person, so we stay on the floor of living room for another few nights. I am amazed by the desire of longing for a new room from my heart, it is so strong, too strong to wait for another day to move in after the minute the previous tenants say bye to me. New bed setting, new arrangement of the furniture, new home for my clothes, everything is in order after non-stop cleaning and unpacking for few hours and even the peace lily travelled from Leeds with us finally can spread his leaves happily in the corner of new room. But we are not very familiar with this room yet, at least, not when we were sleeping. I had too many crazy dreams last night, but we will be...

Norwegian Wood

Yok says that i like this song very much. Yes, I do. Everytime I listen to this song, I feel that I am in the old British house with a strong fire in the fireplace, and it is about 9ish in the evening and it is always in the winter. Most of time I would sit on the sofa, by the side of the fireplace and the smell of old carpet and wood would mix up to become a scent of enternity--old, but timeless. I would repeat the song again and again with eyes closing to let the every little stories of my life run in my mind without any pause. Most of time, I couldn't even have time to think of any event happened in my life, the song repeated itself again. Life is very long if I can live up to 80 years old, but life is also relatively very short, if we only extract the essence of it and compare it with a legth of a song, like the Norwegian Wood, maybe life could be shorter than 2 minutes and 5 seconds. Well, this is what I always think of when listening to the song, and I still don't know ho...